Last week we sent out nearly 200 copies of our call for entries for our Four Oceans Press print exchanges. Our call for entries has the same information as is on the
Exchange page.
We sent out over 150 to Art Institutions in the United States and nearly 40 to international locations. We are so excited to be running this exchange and about ready to send out our First Set of Prints. The Fall prints were delayed because we had to wait for one of the artists, but they will be mailed out on Monday, January 14, 2008. These prints can be seen on our Exchange
If you are a Printer and haven't signed up yet, we think you should. Take a look at the
Exchange Guidelines and sign up for Spring or the Food Exchange. Of course, if you need more time than what is listed you can sign up for a later exchange...
We are writing a proposal to get our exchange into a gallery in San Francisco in August. We will write more about that as we know more...
We are using our Four Oceans Press Google Group to list updates of what we are doing, upcoming exchanges and other projects. Feel free to join - click
here to learn more.